Richard Clinch, Ph.D.

Executive Director

Richard Clinch, PhD is the Executive Director of the University of Baltimore’s Jacob France Institute. Dr. Clinch is an expert in the areas of economic and fiscal analysis, economic and community development policy research, economic impact analysis, and technology policy. He has authored over one hundred studies on the economic, fiscal or workforce impacts of policy decisions.

Dr. Clinch is a recognized expert on economic impact modeling, community impact analysis, and occupational modeling. In the area of economic impact analysis he has authored over 100 economic impact studies ranging in size from the impact of a small housing development to the national economic impacts of the Medicaid program. In 2006, Mr. Clinch was asked to present an overview of economic modeling issues and projects by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis at a national conference. He has also provided expert witness testimony in hearings on economic impact measurement.

In the area of tourism impact analysis, Dr. Clinch has analyzed the impact of tourism for Cecil County, Maryland, hotel developments across the county, greenway developments, and the Waterfowl festival in Easton, Maryland. Dr. Clinch earned his PhD from the University of Maryland, College Park, and wrote his dissertation on the community development impacts of the federal Empowerment Zone program on Baltimore City. Dr. Clinch is also a graduate of the Sanford Institute of Public Policy at Duke University.

Prior to working at the University of Baltimore, Dr. Clinch was a researcher the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress where he analyzed national science and technology issues. While at the Joint Economic Committee, Dr. Clinch organized a hearing and GAO study on the infrastructure conditions at the nation’s federal laboratories. Dr. Clinch also held a position with the North Carolina Board of Science and Technology, where he analyzed high technology development in that state and helped found a small consulting firm in Cleveland, Ohio.

Publications: He has authored three studies on the economic impact of Johns Hopkins University — The Economic Impact of Johns Hopkins University on the State of Maryland, The Economic Impact of Johns Hopkins University on the City of Baltimore, and The Economic Impact of Johns Hopkins University on Montgomery County. Each of these reports addressed the important role of Johns Hopkins in meeting employer’s workforce needs. He co-authored the Baltimore City Nonprofit Sector: A Study of its Economic and Programmatic Impacts in the City of Baltimore.

Richard Clinch managed the preparation of an analysis of the economic importance of the Pimlico Racetrack on the City of Baltimore Economy for the Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce, and the preparation of a report on the economic impact of a casino development on the Cecil County, Maryland economy. He directed the creation of the State of Maryland’s official exporters database, and directed a large-scale study on the economic impact of casino gaming on the State of Maryland. Briefed Governor’s Gaming Taskforce on the results of the study.

He participated in Governor Glendening’s Economic Development Transition Policy Group. Provided information on Maryland’s economic performance, and managed the Maryland Preparedness Report, a study of the impact of changing federal regulations and spending on the Maryland economy. Research topics included the role of federal spending in the Maryland economy and an analysis of the state’s business environment. The project was funded by eight of the Fortune 500 companies in Maryland. Richard also managed An Assessment of Maryland’s Economic Performance, an analysis of Maryland’s economic performance and development effort sponsored by the Maryland Business Council as part of their Building an Economic Growth Plan for the State of Maryland effort. Worked with the Maryland Business Council in developing an economic growth plan for the state of Maryland.

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